The Devil is in the Details

It’s a Flash Friday–150 words based on a photo prompt. I’m having fun forcing myself to write a something worth reading in so few words; makes me examine every single word to make sure I need it. I also like to be a bit perverse in these challenges–take a an angle on the photo that’s a little left of center, if you know what I mean. If you do know what I mean, then you’re following this better than I am.

Anyway. Enjoy. Oh, and if you like it and want more, here is my last Flash Friday entry.


The fire didn’t bother her, it was the wooden spool smoking in the foreground—what was it doing there?

“Why’d you put that in?” Lucinda tapped her pencil on the print, leaving little divots in the paper while Shelly fidgeted beside her desk. So annoying.

“Well, I thought you said you wanted something round in flames.”

Lucinda dropped her pencil and considered the pitiful excuse for an intern taking up space in her office.

“I said something around the flames. Not round. I don’t want a picture of just fire, that’s my point.”

Shelly dropped her eyes. “Oh.”

“Jesus. Just get it out of there.” Lucinda flung the print at Shelly and watched with satisfaction as the girl scrabbled to catch it.

This client demanded nothing less than perfection. She was advertising Hell, after all.

She shouted after Shelly’s retreating form.

“Take out the telephone poles while you’re at it!”

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